On their first trip together, they went to Valencia where Cedric studied in 1998 & 1999.
Very quickly, they felt in love with Cullera and the Albufera Natural Park.
As from 2007, on every trip, they went to Cullera to visit every neighborhood, enjoy the different beaches but also absorb local customs and habits.
In 2008, they decided to go for Balsa De San Lorenz and the Poligono 60 Cabezol.
Thanks to Amparo Barbera and Tere Ribes Pizarro, they could enter the property of Polo end of August 2018. Guillaume and Thibault, who were on vacations with the uncles, were immediatelly subjugated by the place.
Fred & Ced became the owners on April 19th, 2019.
Since then, renovation works and improvements only stopped when rented.
Fred & Ced both hope to live there in some years and continue hosting thanks to the purchase of some properties around.
The house is named "Cap al Sol" because it is part of the Poligono Cabezol, name given to a goat cheese, dried in the sun and with the shape of a sphere like a head.
In Valencien language, Cap al Sol means "let's go" (going to the sun).
The second house will be named "Cabras", again linked the goat in Spanish but also with the exclamation "Cabras?" which means "are you coming back?" or "could you come back?".